Yours, Mine, and Ours… Social Media Friends
Best friends you will never meet in person
This may be one of my favorite posts to write. Social media has given me the opportunity to meet some incredible people from around the world, and I bet you too. I'm embarrassed to say that in the beginning I could not even pronounce some of their names. They were patiently wonderful and taught me how.
My wife and I have been invited to visit these newfound friends that live in far off lands, at least from our position on the western side of the United States. They're genuine and caring hospitality, begged us to join them in eating their traditional meals. They even offered us sleeping accommodations. Of course we would always offer the same courtesy to them should they come and visit us in America.
The sad and unfortunate truth is that as well meaning as we all are, the chances of them and us making an in-person meeting happen, becomes rarer and more difficult as the world changes.
We all have a love hate relationship with social media, and in many cases I am the first one to lobby against it. But I would not give up the wonderful relationships we have made with some very creative, kind hearted and beautiful people we have learned to know. It's been and continues to be a true privilege.
You all know who I’m talking about when I write this post. I see your posts. And we engage with each other. Some of you we’ve had the wonderful opportunity to chat with you on our podcast. We learned what you’re all about, where you live, what you do creatively, and we even asked what you had for breakfast.
Don't be bashful to reach out and make friends from around the world. There are some exceptionally beautifully talented, and kind people that live in every country. You may never get to meet them in person, but some of them will become lifelong friends. They certainly have for us.
“Going on social media is like embarking on a voyage without a chartered course. You may end up on a deserted island, or you may discover a distant land filled with kind and loving people.”
Rod Jones Artist-Writer for Thought Row Vignettes