When Angels Dream
When Angels Dream
Ever so softly, an angel tapped on Sandra’s sleeping, dreaming, peaceful soul. Wearing days gave-way to tranquil nights. Sandra lived a dual life. By day she was a bondwoman living in servitude to a well-heeled and terribly affluent family. The matriarch who was publicly known as Dame Judith, although highly respected in the community, was a wretched woman to be conversed with. Demeaning Sandra minute by minute, and hour by hour, appeared to be Dame Judith’s reason for waking up every morning.
In a grand masonry mansion-like structure which held the lead position of the old town square was a mystical place known as The Dankworth Mansion. The home of selfish and disagreeable people. At least that's what most of the town residents thought about the place. This is where Sandra spent her days and nights.
No one could determine who exactly Sandra was. She had no last name that she shared with anyone. In fact, it was difficult to determine her actual age. Sometimes she looked and acted very mature, other times she displayed all the traits of a very immature young girl. It seemed like she was destined to end up in The Dankworth Mansion.
On a bitterly cold stormy night, Dame Judith’s servants heard a banging on the door of the main entrance. Standing outside was Sandra. She was soaking wet from head to toe. And certainly not wearing the kind of garments one would need to fend off the elements of such a bitter cold evening. Sandra pounded on the door with her fist. She did not use the Egyptian Scarab door knocker. Fortunately, one of the servants heard the faint pounding and went to the door. Upon opening, the servant was face-to-face with this soaking wet young woman. “My dear child, come in immediately, you’re going to catch your death of cold.” It turned out that this happened to be the head of the entire household staff, a kindhearted gentleman named Mr. Jeff. Mr. Jeff escorted Sandra to the maid's quarters. There they were told to change Sandra‘s clothes into something more appropriate, give her some food and put her in bed. After the house maids were sure Sandra was safe and comfortable in bed, they met up with Mr. Jeff. The head of the maid staff told Mr. Jeff that there was something odd about this girl. “Her skin was perfectly smooth and unblemished, and she had a beautiful fragrant odor to her body, like fresh spring flowers.” They all tried to guess her age, but didn’t come up with anything that made a lot of sense. She looked old and young at the same time, and they all agreed that she was very innocent. What was even more confusing was after being out in that cold storm her body was perfectly warm and normal. One maid commented, “You would think that she would be shivering, but she wasn’t at all.”
The new morning came to the Dankworth House. The storm had passed and for all practical purposes it was a sunny day. After Sandra woke up and got dressed in the provided clothes. The maids took her down to the kitchen so she could have some breakfast. While she was sitting and eating fresh baked bread and hot tea. Dame Judith walked in, saw Sandra sitting there and with her usual brash unsympathetic voice barked out, “Now who is this woman? I don’t remember giving anyone permission to bring anyone else into this house without my permission.” Mr. Jeff explained what happened the night before. “Well put her to work, make her earn her keep. It sounds to me like she has no family and no background. Tomorrow I will go to the magistrate and indenture her.” All those in the kitchen that witnessed Dame Judith’s abusive rant that was squarely directed towards Sandra, were surprised that Sandra just sat there, took it all in, continued to eat her bread and sip her tea completely unfazed by the mean spirit and tone that was being projected towards her by Dame Judith.
That's how Sandra ended up in servitude at the Dankworth House and under the oppressive Dame Judith. Nearly all of the servants tried to find out who Sandra was and where she came from. After a few months of trying they gave up. There was literally nothing to be found anywhere about the innocent Sandra.
Even though Sandra’s days were filled with hard work and drudgery something magical seemed to happen that the household staff could never really understand. When it was time for Sandra to end her day and go to sleep, her face lit up with pure joy. In the morning when she went into the kitchen for her breakfast she was totally at peace, and her expression was beautiful and composed. Even though she knew that Dame Judith was going to be scolding and chastising her virtually every hour of the day. All of the servants and household staff could not understand why Dame Judith was so vindictive towards Sandra.
On a bright and warm sunny day, Dame Judith told Mr. Jeff that she was going to be gone for a few days on business. She told him, “Assemble the entire staff in the main hall so I can give everyone instructions while I’m gone.” Mr. Jeff rounded everyone up, and they all stood patiently waiting for Dame Judith to enter the main hall. Once there she proceeded to give instructions on what needed to be done while she was gone. She also took the opportunity to belittle Sandra in front of everyone. Sandra just stood there, listened, attentively and made no comment. She had a very comfortable and self-assured expression on her face. The entire staff felt empathy for Sandra and did not like how Dame Judith had been treating her. After her last ridicule of Sandra, Dame Judith departed The Dankworth Mansion.
The very next morning Sandra asked if she could speak to the entire house staff. They all agreed, primarily because they wanted to know what Sandra had to say. Sandra was pretty much always quiet and soft spoken and never really revealed much about herself. Friday morning at 10 AM they all assembled in the great hall. Sandra walked in and stood before them. Her appearance had completely changed. She was radiating beauty and had a glowing aura around her. The entire staff stood there in complete silence and we’re taken in by her beauty and her overwhelming presence. Sandra looked around the room, her eyes seemed to connect and penetrate each and every one of them. There was a mystical warmth that seemed to envelope everyone that stood before her.
Sandra began to speak. “You have all been so very kind to me. Each and every one of you are special in the eyes of God. It’s time for me to leave, but I knew I need to tell you why I knocked on the door during the storm such a long time ago and why I stayed here. I am an Angel, or perhaps it would be best if I tell you I am an angel in training. God assigned me to work with the Archangel Jophiel. Jophiel is the archangel of creativity, wisdom, and fresh ideas. You can call on her to manifest beauty into your life and guide your thoughts back to love. She is always there to help you gain a new perspective. I, in my haste to be recognized, decided that I would go around her and try to answer an artist’s prayer for creativity. I did not do a good job. In fact, I almost caused the artist to lose his mind and give up his talent. Fortunately, for that artist, Archangel Jophiel intervened and got the artist back on track to fulfill his creative destiny. Archangel Jophiel became very upset with me and asked God what should be done with me. There was no practical solution so I was sent to Earth where I had to work for Dame Judith and contend with her. My lesson was to learn patience, tolerance, and compassion. I hold no animus towards Dame Judith. I have now been called back to serve again as a student of Jophiel. I learned from every one of you to be gracious and show true human compassion. Everyone of you has blessed me more than I could’ve asked for. You are all living angels and when it’s your time to ascend into heaven, you will be treated with the love and respect you so generously bestowed upon me.”
“I know some of you we’re curious how I could sleep so restfully every night without becoming anxious or depressed. You also wondered why I woke up with a smile on my face and so refreshed. Every night when I would go and lay my head down on the pillow, I thought about how precious life can be, and I went into my dreams. There I found and embraced an inner peace that brought me true joy, contentment, and thankfulness.”
“I’m going to tell you something that I know will make you very happy, but I also want to make sure it’s the right kind of celebration. You need to show in your heart’s forgiveness and understanding and not be mean spirited with your thoughts. Dame Judith will not be returning. She has passed away. Everyone of you will be taken care of for the rest of your lives. Within a day or so a solicitor will come and set up the financial arrangements so you will not have to work for the rest of your lives. I personally would ask one thing of you, if you feel creative at all be sure and pray to the Archangel Jophiel, I personally will put a good word in for you.